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by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Friday, 19 April 2024, 11:31 PM
Anyone in the world

[ Modified: Friday, 19 April 2024, 11:39 PM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Thursday, 22 February 2024, 8:44 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Listen and Watch to Learn: Fluid Dynamics.

2. Vocabulary Preview: Click

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Or learn from this list:

  1. Fluid dynamics (Noun) Động lực học chất lỏng. The study of how gases and liquids move. Example: Today's lecture is about .... Bài học hôm nay nói về động lực học chất lỏng.
  2. Force (Noun) Lực. Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. Example: Buoyancy is a .... in water that makes something float. Lực đẩy là một lực trong nước khiến một vật nào đó nổi lên.
  3. Buoyancy (Noun) Lực đẩy Archimedes. The ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object placed in it. Example: The .... force pushes the ice to the surface. Lực đẩy Archimedes đẩy viên đá lên mặt nước.
  4. Float (Verb) Nổi. To rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking. Example: Buoyancy is the force that makes something .... in water. Lực đẩy là lực khiến một vật gì đó nổi trên mặt nước.
  5. Gravity (Noun) Trọng lực. The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass. Example: When you put ice in water, .... pulls it downward. Khi bạn cho đá vào nước, trọng lực kéo nó xuống dưới.
  6. Displacement (Noun) Sự dịch chuyển. The moving of something from its place or position. Example: The water rises because the object .... it. Mực nước tăng lên bởi vì vật thể dịch chuyển nó.
  7. Sink (Verb) Chìm. To go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid. Example: You put a metal ball in water and it ....s. Bạn thả một quả bóng kim loại vào nước và nó chìm xuống.
  8. Experiment (Noun) Thí nghiệm. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. Example: Do an .... to understand displacement. Thực hiện một thí nghiệm để hiểu về sự dịch chuyển.
  9. Glass (Noun) Cốc. A small container for drinking made of glass. Example: Put the .... in the bucket and fill it completely with water. Đặt cốc vào trong xô và đổ đầy nó bằng nước.
  10. Ice (Noun) Đá. Frozen water, a brittle, transparent crystalline solid. Example: Place the .... in the water glass. Đặt đá vào trong cốc nước.
  11. Coin (Noun) Đồng xu. A flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money. Example: Do the same thing with a .... Đồng xu.
  12. Bucket (Noun) Xô. A roughly cylindrical open container with a handle, used to hold and carry liquids and other material. Example: Put the glass in the .... and fill the glass completely with water. Đặt cốc vào trong xô và rót nước đầy cốc.
  13. Weigh (Verb) Cân. To find out how heavy (someone or something) is. Example: Pour out the water that is in the bucket and .... that water. Đổ nước ra khỏi xô và cân lượng nước đó.
  14. Solid (Adjective) Rắn. Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid. Example: Use a .... metal ball or a coin. Sử dụng một quả bóng kim loại rắn hoặc một đồng xu.
  15. Surface (Noun) Bề mặt. The outside part or uppermost layer of something. Example: The buoyancy force pushes the ice to the .... Lực đẩy đẩy viên đá lên bề mặt.
  16. Object (Noun) Vật thể. A material thing that can be seen and touched. Example: When you put something in water, the water level rises because the .... displaces it. Khi bạn đặt một vật vào trong nước, mực nước tăng lên bởi vì vật thể dịch chuyển nó.
  17. Principle (Noun) Nguyên tắc. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. Example: Buoyancy is an important .... Khi hiểu được nguyên tắc này, bạn sẽ biết tại sao thuyền nổi và chúng có thể chứa bao nhiêu.
  18. Tsunamis (Noun) Sóng thần. A series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean. Example: ... usually start with earthquakes under the sea. Sóng thần thường bắt đầu với các trận động đất dưới biển.
  19. Earthquakes (Noun) Động đất. Sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. Example: ... often occur underneath our oceans. Động đất thường xảy ra dưới các đại dương của chúng ta.
  20. Plates (Noun) Mảng kiến tạo. Large pieces of the earth's crust that move due to geologic activity. Example: When this happens, the floor—or ...—of the ocean move up or down. Khi điều này xảy ra, đáy biển—hoặc mảng kiến tạo—của đại dương di chuyển lên hoặc xuống.
  21. Releases (Verb) Giải phóng. To allow a substance to flow out from somewhere. Example: This ... a lot of energy into the water. Điều này giải phóng một lượng lớn năng lượng vào nước.
  22. Energy (Noun) Năng lượng. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. Example: The ... pushes the water up. Năng lượng đẩy nước lên.
  23. Waves (Noun) Sóng. Disturbances on the surface of a liquid body, as the sea or a lake, in the form of a moving ridge or swell. Example: And this energy becomes ... on the water's surface. Và năng lượng này trở thành sóng trên mặt nước.
  24. Travels (Verb) Di chuyển. To go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length. Example: The wave of energy ... across the ocean's surface. Làn sóng năng lượng di chuyển trên bề mặt đại dương.
  25. Shallow (Adjective) Nông. Of little depth. Example: The wave then gets closer to land, where the water is .... Làn sóng sau đó tiến gần đất liền, nơi có nước nông.
  26. Decreases (Verb) Giảm. To become smaller or less in amount, degree, or size. Example: The shallow water causes the water to slow down and at the same time ... the distance between the waves. Nước nông làm chậm nước lại và cùng một lúc giảm khoảng cách giữa các sóng.
  27. Height (Noun) Chiều cao. The measurement from base to top or (of a standing person) from head to foot. Example: This pushes the ocean water up, making the waves grow in .... Điều này đẩy nước biển lên, khiến cho các con sóng tăng chiều cao.
  28. Walls (Noun) Bức tường. Structures of brick, stone, or other materials, designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary. Example: By the time the waves arrive on land, they are huge ... of water. Đến khi các con sóng đến đất liền, chúng là những bức tường nước khổng lồ.
  29. Destroy (Verb) Phá hủy. To cause (something) to end or no longer exist by damaging or attacking it. Example: They hit the shore and ... everything in their way. Chúng đập vào bờ và phá hủy mọi thứ trên đường đi của chúng.

3. Listening Practice 1

Hi everyone. Today’s lecture is about fluid dynamics. Fluid dynamics is the study of how fluids—gases and liquids—move when someone or something places an outside force on them. Today, as an introduction to this topic, I’m going to focus on the force of buoyancy in water. Buoyancy is an important principle. By understanding it, you’ll know why boats float and how much they can hold. But what does buoyancy mean? Simply put, it is the force in water that makes something float. Take, for example, ice in a glass of water. When you put ice in water, gravity pulls it downward, and you see the ice fall below the surface of the water. But then the water pushes it back up. That’s the buoyancy force pushing the ice to the surface. When you put something in water, the water level rises. The water rises because the object displaces it—gravity makes the object push water out of the way. This is called displacement. Now, instead of ice, use a solid metal ball or a coin. You put that in water and what happens? It sinks even if it weighs less than the ice. Why is that? To better understand displacement and why an object floats or sinks, do an experiment. You’ll need a water glass, water, a piece of ice, a coin, and a bucket. Put the glass in the bucket and fill the glass completely with water. After that, place the ice in the water glass. It will displace some of the water, which will fall into the bucket. Pour out the water that is in the bucket and weigh that water. Then refill the glass with water and do the same thing with a coin. You will see that the coin weighs more than the water it displaced but that the ice weighs the same. This is why the ice floats and the coin doesn’t.

Listen to this lecture and answer the questions below. 

1. Fluid dynamics studies the movement of gases and liquids when external forces are applied. 

2. The principle of buoyancy is only applicable to liquids, not gases. 

3. Buoyancy is the force that opposes gravity to make an object float in water. 

4. An object placed in water will not change the water level due to displacement. 

5. Objects heavier than the water they displace will float. 

6. Conducting an experiment with a glass of water, ice, a coin, and measuring the displaced water can help understand why objects float or sink. 

4. Listening Practice 4

So how do tsunamis start? They usually start with earthquakes under the sea, but they can also be caused by landslides and volcanoes. I’d like to take a look at this process and show how really big energy can move through water and what can happen. Earthquakes often occur underneath our oceans. When this happens, the floor—or plates—of the ocean move up or down. This releases a lot of energy into the water. As you can see in this diagram, the energy pushes the water up. And this energy becomes waves on the water’s surface. These waves start moving outward. At first, they’re small—and far out at sea. The wave of energy travels across the ocean’s surface, sometimes as fast as an airplane. The wave then gets closer to land, where the water is shallow. The shallow water causes the water to slow down and at the same time decreases the distance between the waves. This pushes the ocean water up, making the waves grow in height. By the time the waves arrive on land, they are huge walls of water that can be more than 30 meters high. They hit the shore and destroy everything in their way. This is all the result of the energy from a huge displacement of water far out at sea.

Listen to this lecture and answer the questions below. 

1. Tsunamis can only be caused by earthquakes, not landslides or volcanoes. 

2. Earthquakes under the ocean release energy that pushes water upwards, creating waves. 

3. The energy from an underwater earthquake cannot travel as fast as an airplane across the ocean's surface. 

4. As tsunami waves approach shallow water near land, they slow down and decrease in height. 

5. Tsunami waves can reach heights of more than 30 meters when they arrive on land. 

5. Listening Dictation Practice

[ Modified: Thursday, 22 February 2024, 3:42 PM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 6:06 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Paraphrasing Practice with Copilot: Click here.

2. Vocabulary Preview

3. Reading Practice

Read the Text on Page 190-191 and answer the questions.

1. The Terracotta Army was discovered by a group of farmers in 1974 outside Xi'an, China.

2. The tomb complex, including the Terracotta Army, was built for the first emperor of China in the 21st century BCE.

3. The construction of the emperor's tomb involved a workforce of thousands and covers an area of over 35 square miles.

4. The Terracotta Army consists of approximately 10,000 statues intended to protect the emperor in his afterlife.

5. The real metal weapons carried by the Terracotta Army soldiers were predominantly made of iron.

6. The chrome plating technique used on the weapons was thought to have been first developed in the mid-20th century in Germany and the United States.

7. Archaeologists found over 40,000 arrowheads at the site, indicating the use of cellular manufacturing processes similar to modern-day companies.

8. Despite over 40 years of research, only a small portion of Emperor Qin's tomb complex has been excavated.

4. Dictation Practice Test

[ Modified: Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 8:31 AM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Thursday, 1 February 2024, 8:55 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Speaking Review

2. Pronunciation Practice 

3. Vocabulary Preview

4. Integrated Skills: Read to Learn

Read the text on page 168 and answer the questions. True or False?

1. Elephants can only make loud trumpet-like sounds with their trunks. 

2. Elephants and humans both use a larynx, or voice box, to produce sounds. 

3. The only difference between how elephants and humans make sounds is the size of their bodies. 

4. Elephants' vocal cords are shorter and tighter than humans', which allows them to make very low-frequency rumbles. 

5. Elephants can modify the sounds they make by changing the position of their larynx using their head, neck, and ears.

6. The trunk of an elephant plays no significant role in sound amplification. 

7. Very low-frequency rumbles made by elephants can travel long distances and are useful for communication. 

8. Humans can hear all the sounds elephants make, including the very low-frequency rumbles. 

[ Modified: Thursday, 1 February 2024, 10:57 AM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 8:35 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Pronunciation: Say the sentences.

2. Vocabulary Preview

3. Listening 

3.1. Fill in the blanks.

Audio: Click here.

3.2 True or False?

  1. Apple’s success in the global market has led companies from various industries, not just technology, to adopt its business strategies.
  2. Steve Jobs believed that customers should explicitly state what products they want.
  3. Apple’s product design process includes ensuring a product meets a market need before choosing it for production.
  4. The iPhone's popularity is largely attributed to its combination of music, Internet browsing, and calling capabilities.
  5. Apple's business strategy focuses on creating products that are complex and challenging to use.
  6. Steve Jobs would only release a product if it aligned with Apple's core values and design principles.

[ Modified: Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 8:36 AM ]
Anyone in the world

Cambridge Vocabulary In Use - Elementary - Unit 10

by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Thursday, 25 January 2024, 8:28 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Speaking and Pronunciation: 

1.1 Debate

To say you disagree:

  1. "I see your point, but I have a different perspective."
  2. "That's an interesting take; however, I believe..."
  3. "I understand where you're coming from, but I might suggest..."
  4. "I respectfully disagree with that view. In my opinion..."
  5. "From my experience, the situation might be a bit different. For instance..."
  6. "While I appreciate that viewpoint, I think we should also consider..."
  7. "I'm not entirely convinced by that argument. It seems to me that..."
  8. "That's one way to look at it, yet I feel that..."
  9. "I agree with some of what you're saying, but I would like to add..."
  10. "Your point is valid, but we might also want to think about..."
To say you agree:
  1. "I completely agree with your point about..."
  2. "That's a great point. I'm in full agreement with..."
  3. "I couldn't agree more regarding..."
  4. "You make a compelling argument about..."
  5. "I share your view on..."
  6. "Absolutely, your point about... resonates with me."
  7. "I have the same thoughts on..."
  8. "Your perspective on... aligns closely with mine."
  9. "Indeed, I also believe that..."
  10. "I'm on the same page with you regarding..."

To add an idea:
  1. "Building on what was just mentioned, I'd like to add..."
  2. "That's a great point. Additionally, I think..."
  3. "To expand on that idea..."
  4. "Another aspect to consider is..."
  5. "I'd like to contribute another perspective here..."
  6. "In line with what [Name] said, we might also explore..."
  7. "This brings to mind a related idea..."
  8. "Supplementing what's been said, I believe..."
  9. "I'd like to propose a different angle on this topic..."
  10. "Adding to this interesting discussion, it's worth considering..."

1.2. Say the sentences.

2. Vocabulary Preview 

Hướng dẫn: Sau khi học qua chế độ thẻ từ, nhìn xuống góc dưới bên phải có dòng chữ "Chọn chế độ học" hoặc "Choose a learning mode", chọn chế độ "Học" hoặc "Learn". Cũng có thể chọn "Chính tả" hoặc "Spell" để luyện chép từ. Không click vào đường link dẫn đến các chế độ học trong cửa sổ đang học.

3. Listening Practice

3.1 Fill in the blanks.

Audio: Click here.

3.2 True or False?

  1. Dr. Janet Kober supports the use of CRISPR for germline editing because she believes it's a safe technology.
  2. Dr. Rami Said agrees with Dr. Kober on not using CRISPR for germline editing, but for different reasons.
  3. According to Dr. Ji-Young Park, the DNA of our children can be affected by our actions and lifestyle choices.
  4. Dr. Park suggests that editing a large number of genes in the germline is safe and should be pursued.
  5. Dr. Rami Said believes that all genes are simple and consist of only one short piece of DNA.
  6. The text includes a discussion about the risks of CRISPR technology potentially causing other diseases or health issues.

[ Modified: Thursday, 25 January 2024, 3:05 PM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 6:09 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Vocabulary Preview 

2. Reading

Read the text on page 124 and answer the questions. True or False?

1. CRISPR is a technology that can replace unhealthy genes with healthy ones.

2. Some believe that CRISPR could potentially cure many diseases.

3. The use of CRISPR on germline cells means the genetic changes affect only the individual treated.

4. Scientists fully understand the various ways that genes work.

5. There is a certainty that humans will develop normally with genes edited by CRISPR.

6. CRISPR technology could be used to enhance human abilities such as intelligence and strength.

7. Only wealthy individuals will have access to the enhancements offered by CRISPR technology.

8. The text suggests that we should rapidly integrate CRISPR technology into society without concern for the consequences.

3. Listening

3. 1. Listen and Fill in the Blanks. 

Audio: Click here.

3.2. True or False?

  1. Understanding DNA's double helix is crucial for genetic mapping.
  2. Genes are large sections of DNA that determine the traits of organisms.
  3. Genetic mapping involves locating and identifying genes on chromosomes.
  4. New technology cannot yet change specific base pairs of our genes.
  5. Genetic engineering in crops has been practiced by altering their genes to require less water.
  6. The deontological argument is in favor of genetic engineering due to its benefits in food production and disease prevention.

[ Modified: Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 8:59 AM ]
by Mao Doan (FPTU Hanoi) - Thursday, 18 January 2024, 9:14 AM
Anyone in the world

1. Vocabulary Review

2. Reading Comprehension

Read the text on page 102-103 and answer the questions. 

True or False?

1. Some species of fish do not need oxygen to survive.

2. Humans can have difficulty when oxygen levels in the air are high, similar to how fish are affected in water.

3. Water temperature is a significant factor in changing oxygen concentrations.

4. Water can hold more gases at higher temperatures.

5. In a can of soda, CO₂ is present in the form of dissolved gas.

6. When you shake a can of soda and then open it, the CO₂ stays dissolved because of the cold temperature.

7. Aquatic plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis, contributing to the oxygen levels in a lake.

8. Global warming may lead to an increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen and CO₂ in water, posing no threat to fish.

3. Listening


Listening 1: True or False?

1. The term "soluble" means that a substance can dissolve into another substance.

2. In the context of solubility, oxygen is referred to as the solvent.

3. The solubility of gases in water remains constant regardless of temperature changes.

4. Warmer water can hold less dissolved gas compared to cooler water.

5. Shaking a can of soda before opening it can cause the soda to explode due to the release of dissolved carbon dioxide.

6. Fish require dissolved carbon dioxide to survive, while plants need dissolved oxygen.

Listening 2: Fill in the blanks.

Next I’d like to talk about the (1) … of gases in water. When we say that something is “(2) …,” we mean it can go into something. It can “(3) …” into water. The gas oxygen is soluble in something. In other words, oxygen can go into it. Can dissolve into it. We call the oxygen, in this case, the “(4) …”—the thing that’s dissolved. And the water, in this case, is called the “(5)…”—the liquid that holds the solute. 

Now, the solubility of gases doesn’t always stay the same. If (6) … change, so does solubility. When water is warmer, it is less soluble for gases. When water is cooler, it’s more (7) … for gases. I would like to demonstrate how this works by looking at something in your everyday life. People make cans of soda by dissolving the gas carbon dioxide under (8) … into water, inside a can. But if you shake the unopened can, you add heat to it. And as I said, heat makes the water less soluble. So the carbon dioxide leaves the water. When we open the can, the soda (9) …. I think everyone here has seen that!

So that brings me to why the solubility of gases is so important. For healthy lakes, there needs to be both oxygen and (10) … … in the water. Fish need (11) … oxygen for life. And plants need dissolved carbon dioxide. Both fish and plants are very important because each makes the gas that the other uses. To “breathe,” fish take in water through their mouths. As that water passes over their (12) …, the dissolved oxygen goes from the water into their bodies.

[ Modified: Thursday, 18 January 2024, 10:09 AM ]